miercuri, 23 decembrie 2015

Drum of meats

Drum of meats


Hello dear friends.
Today, I am writing about a traditional recipe, which was prepared before Christmas.

Drum in meats 
Funny name, right?

I made this association because it the translation has no equivalent.
In in Romanian says - TOBA -
In previous articles I wrote about the traditions.
I say the killing of an animal, namely a pig.
From his flesh, to make many menus specific of the season.

2 kg pork - leg, thigh, bacon, rind
1 tablespoon salt
1 piece of pig the large bowel
10 cloves garlic
spices, that you want .. I would suggest pepper, thyme ...

How to prepare:
Put the meat in the pot. Add water, salt and let boil until they become tender.
After boiling the juice drain.

Meat cuts have cooled. Now cut in pieces with a knife, add garlic, spices. If necessary, put salt.
Mix .

In advance intestinul thick pork, clean, wash, rub with salt. Rinse with cold water.

As in images taken intestine and fill with mixture of meat. It adds ladle, ladle broth of boiled meat in that.
When was stuffed with a thread binds very hard.
Put in large bowl and filled bowel sits above a weight. It will press.
The day and hang from a nail because the intestine it will dry. Such preparation will naturally aired and will last longer.

Mixed cuts
The large bowel

Stuffed intestine detail

Stuffed intestine detail 1

 Overall picture of
stuffed intestine

In a little while I will show pictures of the preparation, as shown by the Christmas table.

Dear friends, thank you.

More about the traditional dishes of pork,  here.


marți, 22 decembrie 2015

Stew pot

Stew pot

Today I will post about a mood, a spirit of Christmas.
Traditionally in Romania, during this period in rural areas, sacrificing pigs.
There is a whole ritual preserved from generation to generation.
But what my remembering is that they chose pieces of meat the best.

Above it hangs a wood fire in a cauldron that were added bacon. Heat gently until melted fire and sucking fat taste.
Add the meat the lean. Taste can add smoked semi pieces of meat.
Meddle slowly, to let their taste and penetrate.

Consume with warm polenta and red wine as a drink ...., now pulled of the barrel.

Bon appetit!

More recipes: 

luni, 21 decembrie 2015

Leavened cake

Leavened cake


Gradma leavened cakes

Tonight, I write about my grandmother's habit
Every time on holiday when you get in and relax in full nature gives us something tasty.
Coming from the city, we wanted very much to eat that bread oven. Baked in a wood fire.

 In a bowl sifted flour 500 grams. Add 200 ml of warm water, a pinch of salt, 25 grams yeast.
Mix until homogeneous composition.
Let it rise for about a half hour.

After it increased its volume, form balls that you flatten.

Two ways in which my grandmother was cooking them.
Do not fry.

The first option is you put the dough on a hot plate.
The second is when you put the dough in a pan of hot iron. Over hot dish put a lid.

More recipes:

duminică, 20 decembrie 2015




My dear, my son asked me to do him some donuts.
He loves very much. Cut them in half and put chocolate or jam.
Honestly, I like simple.

Here's how they make.

When time is pressing me, I cook more simply and quickly.

50 grams of yeast
1 cup warm milk
1 cup sugar
a pinch of salt
orange zest
2 tablespoons butter
1 egg

I put in a bowl salt, sugar, butter, zest yeast.
Warm milk poured over them.


I mixed, as you see in the image. I added the egg and I have ridden up to the homogenized composition.

  I put the dough to rise in a place away from the current.


After the composition has increased the volume, I stretched sheet rolling pin.
With a glass I cut the shape of donuts.
Put in a pan, in hot oil and fried them.
Believe me, I've prepared as quickly as possible.

 Tips and tricks

After you crop with the glass shaped donuts, leave them on the table to increase its volume. About 3-4 minutes. Now, you can fry.

More recipes

vineri, 18 decembrie 2015

Plum dumplings

Plum dumplings

Dear friends, although it is a recipe specific to autumn, I like to cook this recipe in a full winter.
Therefore I put in the freezer fresh plums.

For dought:
1 kg potatoes
300 grams flour
50 grams semolina
10 grams of salt
1 egg (you can put two eggs)
For mottling dumplings
200g breadcrumbs
about 80 -100 g sugar
40 g butter (for crumbs)

For filling dumplings
10-15 plums
2-3 tablespoons sugar (for plum)
How to prepare:
First, wash plums, wipe them and cut them in half. We put in a plate and powder them with the specified amount of sugar.
Wash the potatoes and boil them whole, uncleaned peel. Once the potatoes are cooked, remove them from the water and let them cool.
Meanwhile cook as potatoes, melt the butter in a pan and add the breadcrumbs. Il browned on low heat for a few minutes. When you get a golden color, turn off heat and add the sugar. Mix well and leave it aside until it comes time to welter dumplings in it.
Clean the potatoes until cooled then crush them well, leaving no lumps.
Add the egg, semolina, salt, flour.
I make a dough.
With slightly damp hands, tear the dough pieces which give them a flattened shape. Put in the center of each half a plum, then close the dough and give it a form of dumpling.

Fill a pot with water and boil. When it starts to boil, add 1 tablespoon oil.
The water should not boil, dumplings can destroy.
Put the dumplings into the pot, 3-4 at a time, and cook until they pick up to the surface alone. After they arose out with a paddle with holes and put them directly into the pan with bread crumbs. Then rotate on all sides, so be wrapped in breadcrumbs perfectly browned.

I prepared the plums.


                                                            Here's the result!



Tips and tricks

Put the breadcrumbs brown sugar when cooled a bit.
I add this cinnamon biscuit brown powder. This is how I like it. 
I do not put egg, for example. Why? because the dumpling becomes harsher.

More recipes:


joi, 17 decembrie 2015

Walnut Bread

Walnut Bread - nut filled

Merry Christmas

For the dough:

1 kg flour
4 eggs
a pinch of salt knife edge
50 g yeast
400ml warm milk
270 grams sugar

approximately 50 ml oil
25 g fat 
lemon zest
orange zest
vanilla essence

For mixture inside (filling)
200 grams crushed or milled nut

100 gr sugar
50 gr cocoa
rum essence

How to prepare:

Separate yolks from whites. Put them in separate pots.
The milk is heated and add the sugar. It will melt easier.
In a bowl pour the sweetened milk, add essence and lemon zest, orange.
Add the crushed yeast. Add 2 tablespoons of flour and mix composition, mixing gently.
This mixture is called - mix for leavened

In a large bowl, sift flour.
With hand make a dent in the middle of the pile of flour. There pour milk mixture with yeast.
You begin to mix until the flour is incorporated.
It becomes sticky, but do not give up, mix further.
Add egg yolks one at a time and incorporate them into the batter. Continue to knead.
The composition must become homogeneous.

Whipped egg whites, can be added only if the dough is more vigorous. In this case add half of the composition and knead the dough until it is smooth and incorporates all.
At this point you can also add flavors.
Add the fat of the time left at room temperature.
Incorporating patience and mix the dough slightly.

My grandmother, knead the dough until it bubbles. Il knead for about an hour.
But today ingredients, yeast have a faster effect. So your effort is diminished.


Certainly at the moment but you've stuck your hands in the dough. But I have a solution.
Take 50 ml of the oil. Heat easily.
I pour the bridge palms and then begin to knead the dough with the oil slightly warmed.
Now will come off the ship and even easier on the hands.
Knead until the dough comes off the side. Cover the pot and leave it to increase its volume for an hour.

                                                                    The dough

How long will raise the dough, prepare ground nuts in a bowl. Add sugar, cocoa flavors.
In this dry mixture, add the other half of the whipped egg whites.
Obtain a mixture to fill tasty cake.
Time passed and the dough has risen.
Divide dough in half. The first piece a stretch by hand or with a rolling pin on the table oiled. Little oil does not stick.
More than half the stretch stretched sheet with nuts.
Then run the composition and place it in a pan, greased with fat.
Just do with other half of dough.
Leave to rise in pan 15 minutes.
Spread egg on top and resarati granulated sugar.
Enter in preheated oven and let it bake at 180 degrees, about 40 minutes.


                                                           Walnut bread detail

Tips and tricks

Over yolks sprinkle a a pinch of salt. It will emphasize yellow.
Over whites sprinkle a pinch of salt. We will beat with whisk and become very frothy.
Careful! I said, a pinch of salt.

More recipes:
Jesus Diapers

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2015

Jesus diapers

Jesus diapers - recipe for the period of prayer

Be welcome!
I started this blog during the holidays.

Christmas is expected from children to parents and grandparents.
I confess that opened this blog to share my passion for cooking.

My husband guided me to write these recipes. most times taking pictures while cooking.
Romanian cuisine offer numerous recipes and flavors a variety.
Over other cuisines Romanian cuisine has dishes that taste a variety and each has its own specific area of Romania.

The story of this recipe, apart from its religious significance, I know from my grandmother.
A tale grandmother, who shared with me the beauty of Holy Christmas, the time of Jesus' birth.

I will get to the point!
I will write now my grandmother version. Recipe is very simple.

For the dough:
- 300 g flour
- 150ml warm water
- a pinch of salt

For composition:
- 150 gr crushed walnuts. not Grind 
- 100g caster sugar
- lemon grated zest

Mix these ingredients
For the dough, cut equal pieces fit.
It forms a dough according to the model.
On the the work table, sprinkle with flour and a rolling pin to roll the dough, until very thin.
When you feel the sticks table, sprinkle flour.
Turn dough and stretch it until it becomes a sheet stretched thin.
If large baking tray chopping. Round or square.

My grandmother was cooking it so simple hot plate on wood fire.
When baked sheet is set aside to finish all baking sheets.

Previously melt over low heat honey to be stretched over the dough.
On a large plateau sits the first sheet baked. Pour a bit of honey and warm slightly thinned over the sheet.
Sprinkle nuts over it, granulated sugar, a little lemon zest (take between two fingers).
Place the second sheet and repeat the procedure baked with sugar, walnuts and lemon.  

And so on until finished baked sheets.
Leave overnight to cool.
Consume next day. You can cut portions of it as the cake.
As you can see in the attached images.

The Jesus diapers on the plateau.

The Jesus diapers on the plateau in section. (As you can see, we rushed next day)

My version is faster.
I buy sheets of trade pie.
Cut them in four parts.
Then baked them in a hot pan over the fire.
Then follow the traditional procedure.
And that's it!
Tips and Tricks 
Do not use oil. Only natural heat of fire.

More free recipes:
Walnut cake
