sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2016

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

Welcome back.
Today, I remembered about peasant pie.
And I prepared a simple and fast.
I opened the fridge and took some existing ingredients.
As you read in previous articles prepared very often leavened dough.
Every time I stop an amount the size of a ball and put it in the freezer.
You never know when you need quickly.
Behold, the day has arrived that time.


2 large onions chopped
1 pepper (seeds pulled)
1 bell pepper
50 grams of smoked bacon
100 grams of bacon
150 grams of cheese
2 eggs
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons flour
(And other spices depending on what you have in the house)
1 cup tomato sauce
2 tablespoons mustard
1 piece dough (you can find the recipe here)

How To Prepare

It's simple.
Chopped onion. Grated cheese. Cut bacon and ham slices.
Chilli pepper seeded and cut into strips. Or how you want.

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

I stretched the sheet tray. I anointed her with tomato sauce and mustard.

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

Spread sheet depending on the size of the pan.

Chosen ingredients, we mixed, I sprinkled with salt and spices
you taste.
I sprinkled in the pan.

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

The eggs thoroughly mixed with a pinch of salt and cup of milk and two tablespoons of flour poured over.
I sprinkled in abundance with cheese.

I put in the oven about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

Rustic Pie: Simple And Easy Recipe Romanian Food

Bon Appetite!

Funny quotes 

More recipes: 

Moussaka: You will love this romanian food version

Moussaka: You will love this romanian food version

This dish is very familiar as a preparation. Although it has a different origin, it was adapted in Romania as being among the favorites.

My family loves.
I cooked this evening.
At the time of writing this article, he has left a portion for tomorrow.


600g minced meat (pork mixed with beef)
2 tablespoons oil
1 kg potatoes
1 carrot (or two tablespoons of grated carrot from the freezer)
2 onions
2 eggs
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon bread crumbs

Wash the potatoes and boil them with whole nuts in water with salt.


Clean peel and cut them into thin slices. 


 Sauté chopped onions and carrots in hot oil and add the meat.
Cook until meat falls well juice.



Leave to cool, then mix with tomato paste, salt and pepper, dill, to taste.

Shall anoint a resistant form a pan with oil or familiar, dusted with bread crumbs.
Put a coat of potato slices, add half the meat composition.
Following a new coat of potatoes, then cover with the remaining meat and last layer of potatoes.
Separately, beat the eggs and pour over the composition.
Meat and potato moussaka enter in a hot oven for about 45-50 minutes.


This is the results. 


Bon Appetite!

Tips and tricks:

In composition can add chopped mushrooms. They give a great taste.
After you have placed it in the pan, you can add over juice from meat soup. They make food more juicy.

More recipes:

Three Ways To Avoid Khitchen Boredom With Romanian Cuisine

After winter holidays

Dear friends, here I come back after the winter holidays. Yeah! They were wonderful.
We have spent in the family. Following the traditions of the holidays, we enjoyed the presence of loved ones, we ate preparations.
In every family here in Romania, prepared in abundance. And red wine accompanies meals suffice. Of course, traditional carols have been always present.
In this article I will write about state of holidays and a few dishes.

First, I show my state, so I'll post a photo.
Here I am

Through the traditional preparations, I forgot to mention about a dish called - caltabos - containing minced meat, salt, rice, chopped onion.
This mixture is put into a pork intestine and is similar to sausage.
The difference is that it is boiled.
As you know, sausage, fry. Well, this type of cooked meat, eaten hot.
In some areas of Romania eat a deep plate of bagels very dry.
I prefer to eat simply removed from the boiling broth.
Eh! what do I do. I am picky.


Another preparation that you have to remember is bacon cooked in sauerkraut juice.
Bacon salt to give 24 hours and let cool. Then cook in the broth. After boiling, remove and drain and let in the breeze hanging from the eaves of the house to dry.

Boiled bacon

In the next picture, as you see, it is a salad beouf.
It was a preparation assimilate the our country.
While preparing gained various ways.
It is frequently the tables festivity as a preparation for an appetizer. My mother's recipe for this dish I will write in a following article.
Boeuf salad

I invite you for a cup of red wine boiled with cinnamon.
Hot wine with cinnamon #cinnamon #hotwine
Also share the fact that I love the Christmas table sat on a green fir branch, cold wine in cup with cake slices, as shown in the picture.

Cold wine in cup with cake slices #wine

Instead of a Thanks for visiting the blog, I offer this short video with fireworks in the new year.
I will return with other recipes as I prepare my family.

Because the holidays have passed, I'm sure you are thinking how to lose weight gained. Food lots, recreation .... right?
Here is an with advice from me:

3 Ways To Avoid Boredom With Romanian Khitchen Cuisine


You agree with me? 

I wish you a new year and much better health.

More recipe:

Drum of meats
Stew pot
Leavened cake
Plum dumplings
Walnut Bread
Jesus diapers